Back to Barcelona!
I am pleased to report several updates to the EJLPP this summer--including a much-anticipated return to Barcelona. It's such a beautiful city, and I love working in the libraries there. I was lucky to have a bit of time with Neus Verger Arce, who is a supporter and has written a blog for us before--and I am looking forward to the next post she writes. Our conversation reminded me that I have fallen behind on promised updates, so here goes:
In order to make the spreadsheet of women printworkers more accessible, I've posted a link to a Google Sheets document. If you can't access it and would like to, please email me at The .csv version just wasn't working well.
I continue to hunt down provenance for new titles, and the database continues to grow, but it's slow work as I also have other commitments. That spreadsheet is still in the .csv format, but I will update it soon. I've been procrastinating on that because I kept meaning to reach a specific milestone, but I need to admit that I don't know when that will happen and just make my data available!
Among my other commitments is expanding the work on women printworkers that we started just before COVID hit. Fortunately, this summer's intern (Gary Randolph) is working quickly to get some of the bios ready for posting on the web; you'll see the fruits of his labors soon. He's going alphabetically by city, so I hope no one is counting on seeing Zaragoza or Zurich just yet! I'm of the "do it right, not quickly" school of thought, so I have no plans to rush any of my student assistants. My time in Barcelona was very helpful in filling in details about these women, their families, and the work that they did. And I was treated to a tour of the terrific websites that the Fons Antic library has. I've mentioned before that this is a terrific library and that they have generously shared a huge amount of data with the EJLPP, and I've linked their provenance website to our front page (just in case you missed it there: Antics posseïdors). What I didn't know about was the pages on printers' marks. It's awesome! You can see that they have both a huge amount of data and an excellent web designer. Fifty-seven of the marks belong to women printers, most of whom are represented in the EJLPP database as well.
I hope you'll take the time to investigate all these links. As always, if you find errors or have questions, please contact me.